Thursday, October 19, 2006

Christmas In October


The giant, electric light Christmas tree has risen atop the Hollywood Capitol Records building.

Why?!? WHY?!? W-H-Y?!?

Look, we all know retailers start celebrating Valentine's Day on New Year's... Halloween crap now hits the shelf the same week the kids head back to school... but Christmas while everyone's still making plans on where to trick-or-treat???

I know that it's silly for me to hope that we can return to the days where all the Christmas goo-gaws don't get placed in the store windows until Thanksgiving, but, c'mon... give us a break.

By-the-way, in the spirit of giving (or would it be monkey-see-monkey-do?), the Hollywood Rite Aid at Sunset and Gower officially unveiled their ceramic "Miniature Christmas Town" collection this afternoon. Get yourself a tiny house... stable... or toy store for $14.99. Or show some restraint and hold-out 'til the traditional day-after-Thanksgiving-Christmas- doo-dad price drop.

Check it out. On Aisle Three.


Update: The Christmas tree was aglow on Wednesday evening (10/18), but off last night (Thurs., 10/19). This begs the question: did we witness a lighting test???